‘In House’ Blended. First Aid at Work (Requalification) Just 1 day face to face

First Aid at Work re-qualification

This course updates the first aid skills for people who need to renew their statutory first aid at work certificate.

Who should attend?

This course is for people wishing to renew a valid first aid at work certificate.

What you will learn

The course aims to update and refresh your knowledge of the First aid at work syllabus, while allowing time for revision and practice sessions in preparation for a final assessment.

 Course content

The course includes an update of first aid knowledge and skills and a revision of workplace requirements.

Course duration

Part 1: Online

This element involves completing our interactive eLearning module and can be done any time before you attend the face to face training. You will be sent a link to the e-learning module when you book the course. The elearning module will take between 4-6 hours depending upon the level of experience of the user. The eLearning can be done in bite sized chunks, 10 minutes here and there soon adds up

Part 2: Face-to-face

This is a 6 hour face to face course, typically done over one day or two shorter sessions, where you will learn and demonstrate all the practical sections of the course as well as consolidating the eLearning element

Assessment and certification Continuous assessment by trainer throughout the day.
After successful completion, delegates will receive a recognised certificate valid for 3 years.


‘In House’ blended courses can be offered.
Prices £300 plus £20 per delegate plus VAT

example 10 delegates Just £500 plus VAT!


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